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Directory picker

This module allows you to pick a directory from the file system. The chosen directory can then be used for file I/O operations.

When requestLongTermAccess is set to true, your app will be able to access the directory even after the app is restarted.

If you've requested long-term access to a directory or file, the response object will contain BookmarkingResponse.

Please note there are some security limitations.

Selecting a directory
import { pickDirectory } from '@react-native-documents/picker'

return (
title="open directory"
onPress={async () => {
try {
const { uri } = await pickDirectory({
requestLongTermAccess: false,
// do something with the uri
} catch (err) {
// see error handling section

How it works

Writing to the directory location

In order to write to the user-selected location, this approach needs to be used:

Releasing Long Term Access

This is an Android-only feature. When you no longer need access to the file or location, you should release the long-term access by calling releaseLongTermAccess. Calling this on iOS will resolve.

See Android documentation for more information.

Releasing (stopping) Secure Access

This is an iOS-only feature. When you no longer need access to the file or location, you should release the secure access by calling releaseSecureAccess. Calling this on Android will resolve.

See iOS documentation for more information.