Directory picker
This module allows you to pick a directory from the file system. The chosen directory can then be used for file I/O operations.
When requestLongTermAccess
is set to true
, your app will be able to access the directory even after the app is restarted.
If you've requested long-term access to a directory or file, the response object will contain BookmarkingResponse.
Please note there are some security limitations.
import { pickDirectory } from '@react-native-documents/picker'
return (
title="open directory"
onPress={async () => {
try {
const { uri } = await pickDirectory({
requestLongTermAccess: false,
// do something with the uri
} catch (err) {
// see error handling section
How it works
- Android
- iOS
Open mode uses UIDocumentPickerViewController init(forOpeningContentTypes:asCopy:) internally.
Writing to the directory location
In order to write to the user-selected location, this approach needs to be used:
- on Android:
- on iOS: docs
Releasing Long Term Access
This is an Android-only feature. When you no longer need access to the file or location, you should release the long-term access by calling releaseLongTermAccess
. Calling this on iOS will resolve.
See Android documentation for more information.
Releasing (stopping) Secure Access
This is an iOS-only feature. When you no longer need access to the file or location, you should release the secure access by calling releaseSecureAccess
. Calling this on Android will resolve.
See iOS documentation for more information.