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Welcome to the docs for @react-native-documents/picker and @react-native-documents/viewer packages available to sponsors. These packages provide a way to pick and view documents on the device's file system or remote locations.

What's new in the sponsor-only packages?

There's the updated (list of changes below) @react-native-documents/picker with api that's very similar to the original. Secondly, there's the completely new @react-native-documents/viewer package which is designed to work well together with picker.


  • improved type definitions that make use of Discriminated Unions and other goodies so that you don't try to read fields that are not there, and nullable fields are also reduced. (You can use vanilla JS too if you like.).
  • mocks for testing
  • pickSingle method was replaced for more streamlined const [result] = pick()


  • new: isKnownType utility
  • new: support for long-term file access permissions - across app and even device reboots! (requestLongTermAccess)
  • new: keepLocalCopy function that separates picking a file and copying it to a local directory. This makes your app more responsive: previously you'd use the copyTo option and before the resulting Promise resolved, you needed to wait not only for user to pick the file, but also for the file to be copied to your app's directory. For large files or with slow network, this could be a problem that you, as a dev don't see, but your users do.
  • improved: the majority of the code is now written in Swift, making code safer and more readable.
  • improved: most of the code on iOS would previously run on the main thread. Now, the suitable parts are handled on a background thread or using Swift's concurrency methods.
  • improved: using the new UIDocumentPickerViewController apis instead of those deprecated in iOS 14
  • improved: instead of the old copyTo parameter making unnecessary copies, the new keepLocalCopy function just moves the imported file.


  • new: support for open mode
  • new: support for long-term file access permissions - across app and even device reboots! (requestLongTermAccess)
  • new: keepLocalCopy function that separates picking a file and copying it to a local directory. This makes your app more responsive: previously you'd use the copyTo option and before the resulting Promise resolved, you needed to wait not only for user to pick the file, but also for the file to be copied to your app's directory. For large files or with slow network, this could be a problem that you, as a dev don't see, but your users do.
  • new: support for virtual files
  • improved: deprecated AsyncTask usage was replaced with Kotlin Coroutines.
  • improved: the code is better at operating with I/O, for example buffering is replaced with a potentially much more efficient alternative from java.nio
  • improved: reading file metadata is more defensive and efficient because only the necessary columns are queried from ContentResolver. The native Android apis are full of calls that can return null or throw so extra care is taken to handle these cases.


Windows is not supported at the moment. While there is Windows-related code in the public module, it's not maintained and probably does not work.


  • releaseSecureAccess was removed. I believe it's not necessary anymore because both the picker and the viewer module handle access in a way that does not require manual secure access management. Please open an issue if you need this method back.

How do I know it works?

With so many changes, you might wonder if the new package is stable - especially with Android because... well, we know Android 😜.

To prove the new code is solid, I have written an e2e test suite using Appium that covers the majority of the features:

  • import mode
  • open mode
  • viewing files, including long-term permissions

The test suite focuses on Android, and was executed on real devices from Samsung, Google and Huawei, with Android versions ranging between 8 and 14. iOS tests were done manually on a real device with iOS 17.

As a result, I have greater confidence in the new package than in the old one!

Why do I ask for sponsorship?

I (vonovak) have been maintaining the original react-native-document-picker package more or less since 2020. The package has been used by thousands of devs, but I could see that there was a lot to improve.

In November 2022 I opened an issue on the original package, asking for sponsorships for new features and improvements, but I received very little support for this - and I understand: why would a company or an individual spend money if they get nothing but a vague promise in return? If you follow me on Twitter, you know I occasionally rant about open source (un)sustainability.

In January 2024 I decided to rewrite the package from scratch and make it better! The new package has a new name: @react-native-documents/picker and is hosted on the Github packages npm registry - not the public npm registry, and it is available to sponsors.

While I was at it, I also created a new viewer package which is available to sponsors as well.

So how to make OSS sustainable? My take is this: rather than asking for support, I provide full-featured packages and ask for a fee in return. I believe that the new packages are worth it.

Migrating from the old package

See the 3-step migration guide.